Past Term Chairman 往届集团主席 : Tan Sri Dato Seri Ong Tee Keat 丹斯里翁诗杰
Past Term Chairman 往届集团主席
- Past Term往届独角兽资本控股集团 HFU Capital Group
- Past Term往届大橙传媒超科技集团(马) Big Orange Super Tech Group
- Tan Sri has served as the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malaysia, Malaysia Federal Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Malaysia Federal Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, Malaysia Federal Minister of Transport and the President of Malaysian Chinese Association. From 1991 to 1995, he was elected as an Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
- In recent years, he has actively leveraged chambers of commerce and think tanks as platforms to promote the interconnection and cultural interaction among the countries that welcome “Belt and Road” initiatives. He has also founded the Center for New Inclusive Asia (CNIA) and a Global Partner of the Belt and Road Studies Network (BRSN), an official alliance of international think tanks with research interest in Belt and Road Initiative launched by China at the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in April 2019.
- The Malaysia China Silk Route Business Chamber led by Tan Sri was also a platform that interacts with China trade actively. During the raging epidemic in Wuhan, it played a significant role in mobilizing personal protective equipment (PPE) and actively helping China. Later, in the early stage of the epidemic in Malaysia, it served as a window for many Chinese provinces and cities to distribute PPE items to Malaysia.
- 丹斯里历任马来西亚众议院副议长、马来西亚联邦高等教 育部副部长、马来西亚联邦青年和体育部副部长、马来西 亚联邦交通部长和马来西亚华人协会会长。 1991年至1995 年,他被选为英联邦议会协会执行委员会成员。
- 近年来,他积极以商会和智库为平台,努力推动“一带一路” 节点国之间的互联互通与人文互动。其智库(新亚洲战略研 究中心)也先后成为设于北京的‘一带一路国际智库合作委 员会’ (Belt & Road Study Network ) 的全球伙伴;中国社科 院国家全球战略智库、华中科技大学国家治理研究院等的 战略合作伙伴。
- 氏所领导的丝路商会也是积极涉华的对接平台。在武汉疫 情肆虐期间,率先动员筹集抗疫物资,积极驰援中国。及 后,马来西亚受疫初期,它更是中国多个省市单位委托发 放抗疫物资的窗口。