Veronica Tang陈学萩

大橙传媒超科技集团(马来西亚) Big Orange Super Tech Group (Malaysia)
大橙大条超科技集团(深圳) DaChengDaTiao Super Tech Group (China)
独角兽资本控股集团 HFU Capital Group
VC 创投国际俱乐部创办人 The Forming Founder of VC International Club
前海云海传媒文化集团(深圳) Yun Hai Media Group (China)

• Asean famous venture capitalists and media expert.

• In 2009, she joined Big Orange Media Group & Red Tomato Media Group as
one the pioneer team & top management team.

• In 2012, she is invited as the share holder as well as a pioneer management
team by Big Orange Super Tech Group (formerly known as Big Orange
Media Group) as Group GM.

• In 2016, she successfully founded Yun Hai Media (YHM) Group in
Shenzhen, China and quickly build the group’s newspaper《VC News》into
China’s first high-end VC Professional monthly newspaper. Become a
cooperative partner with Shenzhen TV Station, the business involves print
media, online media, new media, cultural forum activities, film and television
production and promotion, brand planning, advertising creation and other
diversified fields, provide the new start-up entrepreneurship the best platform
for them to promote their projects and products and fundraising.

• With her many years working experiences as the management staff in
several multinational companies (MNCs) in such as Television Corporation
Singapore (currently known as Media Corp Singapore), Sei Woo Rubber
Works (Singapore) Group and American Express Worldwide Card, Veronica
is also good in organizing all kind of local & international business seminars/
forums/ summits/ outdoor and indoor concerts. Veronica has been
established herself as one of the most experienced event specialist sought
after confidence business woman in South East Asia. Veronica holds a
Degree of Business & Marketing Communications from Singapore-Oxford
Thames Business School, campus of NUS Singapore.

  • 2016: Hosted the ”ASEAN Venture Capital and Investment Conference“ in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, creating a platform for business leaders to explore the opportunities at the forefront of venture capital.
  • 2017: Organized the Malaysia Lifestyle Festival and Yoo8 Project Presentation in Shenzhen, China, for the renowned Malaysian real estate company KSK Land, aiming to provide an opportunity for investment exploration in Malaysian real estate for investors in Shenzhen.
  • 2020: Launched the first-ever live streaming program in ASEAN, “Big Orange Live” inviting VC from Malaysia, China, the United States, and around the world to provide commentary on companies and offer professional solutions.
  • 2021:

– Hosted the “China Asean Venture Capital & Investment Cultural Festival 2.0” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, bringing together global investors to share genuine investment insights.

– Organized the grand “Big Orange A Premier Dinner with International Investors & Venture Capitalists Celebration 1.0 ” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

– Signed a mandate letter with Prestige Intelligence company, authorizing Prestige Intelligence to serve as the financial and investment project consultant for Orange SuperTech Group.

  • 2022:

– Representing Orange Media Group and The Malaysia-China Silk Route Business Chamber, hosted the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce organization—Pensutra Alliance Berhad, and signed a memorandum of cooperation.

– Invited to attend the “2022 Indonesia Business Strategic Analysis Conference” to discuss business opportunities between Malaysia and Indonesia with Indonesian businesses.

– Represented The Malaysia-China Silk Route Business Chamber, HFU Capital Holdings Group, and Big Orange Media International Group in hosting an official delegation from the southern region of Thailand.

– Launched the number one reality live show in the ASEAN investment and financing industry – “Hunt For Unicorns, Co-creation Of Next Unicorn”, facilitating global entrepreneurs and investors to connect and collaboratively incubate unicorns in the ASEAN region.

  • 2023:

– Served as a keynote speaker in over a dozen international live broadcast and business seminars on TikTok, sharing insights on leveraging TikTok to promote business.

– Organized the “Hunt For Unicorns, Co-creation Of Next Unicorn” financing and investment workshop, facilitating face-to-face interactions between project owner and domestic and international investors.

– Hosted a delegation from the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce, arranging visits for Chinese representatives to government and private sector leaders.

– Led a Malaysian business delegation to participate in the 2023 Hainan Cross-Border E-commerce Exhibition, also serving as a featured speaker on the topic of “Malaysia’s Cross-Border Product Advantages and Opportunities for Cooperation with Hainan.”

– Invited to attend the “2023 China-ASEAN AIGC Summit” and served as a dialogue guest representing ASEAN countries during the “AIGC Empowering High-Quality Development Roundtable Discussion.”

– Conducted a five-day, four-night business visit to Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, as the Deputy President of The Malaysia-China Silk Route Business Chamber.

– Collaborated with Malaysian non-governmental organizations to host the “Madani Entrepreneurs Convention 2023 ,” exploring business opportunities related to the “Transformation of Digitalization and Cashless Economy.”

  • 2024:Signed an agreement with Peter Goldstein, founder and CEO of Exchange Listing LLC in the United States, to become the ASEAN representative. This partnership aims to assist promising companies in their journey toward listing on the NASDAQ in the United States.
    • 东盟商界里的媒体达人
    • 在2009年, 被委任为大橙传媒超科技(马)集团及红番茄传媒集团的总经理职位
    • 在2012年, 她再被邀请委仼成为大橙传媒国际集团的股东以及集团总经理
    • 在2016, 她在中国深圳开创<云海传媒集团> 与 <大橙大条超科技集团>, 并且迅速将集团旗下的 纸媒《VC News 创投时代》打造成为中国首份高端VC专业投资资讯报, 与深圳电视台等成为合 作伙伴,业务涉及纸媒、网媒、新媒体、文化论坛活动、影视制作宣传、品牌策划、广告创作 等多元化领域,为创业者提供项目及产品的最优推广和融资平台。
    • 她曾在多家国际企业集团担任多项职务, 包括:

    -新加坡国际新传媒集团( 如今称新传媒集团,Media Corp Singapore )-Sei Woo Rubber W orks Group (新加坡)

    • 基于在商场上多年的经验, 她累积了丰富的组织能力,举办多项东盟与国际的商业论坛、国际 会议、室内与室外的大型活动或演唱会。
    • 她也是2014年亚洲金龙奖之杰出青年奖得主之一;马来西亚著名电台MELODY FM 的著名节目:


    • 她拥有新加坡牛津泰晤士商学院(新加坡大学)的商业与市场营销学士学位。
    • 她为东盟企业开创的大会主题包括:
    • 2015:跨境众筹升级版策略
    • 2015:跨境创投的机会
    • 2015:中国企业与品牌在东盟落地的战略
    • 东盟崛起,创造华商连接的最大双赢商业平台
    • 马来西亚是最大最佳的第二家园落地国之2 in 1投资与移民之路
    • 以及多次的大橙报国际商业平台的背景与东盟发展图的分享


  • -美国运通American Express Singapore (新加坡)
  • 2017年:为马来西亚著名房地产公司KSK置地于中国深圳举办 马来西亚风情节暨Yoo8项目推介会,以让深圳投资发掘马来西亚房地产的投资机会
  • 2020年:推出东盟首创的直播节目–“大橙直播”,邀请马来西亚、中国、美国及世界各地VC点评企业及给出专业解决方案
  • 2021年:

– 在马来西亚吉隆坡举办“中国东盟投资与创投文化节2.0”, 让于全球投资人齐聚一堂分享真正投资心得

– 在马来西亚吉隆坡盛大举办“大橙旗袍盛会〜与国际投资者和创投资本家(VC)之盛宴1.0”

– 与Prestige Intelligence公司签署牵头协议,以授权Prestige Intelligence公司为大橙超科技集团财务和投资项目顾问。

  • 2022年:

– 代表大橙传媒集团和马来西亚中国丝路商会接待印尼商会组织–马印联合商务实体(Pensutra
Alliance Berhad),以及签署署合作备忘录

– 受邀出席“2022年印尼商业战略分析会议”,与印尼商家共同探讨马来西亚与印尼商机

– 代表马中丝路行商会、独角兽资本控股集团和大橙传媒国际集团接待泰国南部官方代表团

– 推出东盟投融资行业No.1的真人秀直播节目–《独角擂台战,共创下一个独角兽》,让全球创业者和接资人对接,共同孵化东盟独角兽

  • 2023年:

– 担任十多场关于Tiktok国际直播 + 商务研讨会的分享嘉宾,分享关于通过Tiktok助力企业推广业务的主题

– 举办《独角擂台战》融资与投资研讨会,让项目方代表与国内外投资人面对面对接

– 接待来自中国珠海市进出口商会代表团,安排中国代表访问政府及私人界领导

– 率领马来西亚企业代表团参与2023海南跨境电商展览会,并担任分享嘉宾,分享“马来西亚在跨境产品优势与海南合作机遇”的主题

– 受邀出席“2023中国-东盟AIGC大会 ”,及在“AIGC赋能产业高质量发展圆桌对话”上担任东盟国家代表对话嘉宾

– 以马来西亚中国丝路商会署理会长身份对印尼北苏省棉兰市进行五天四夜的商务访问。

– 与马来西亚非政府组织合举办“2023年昌明企业家大会”,探讨“数字化和无现金经济的转型”的商机。

  • 2024:与美国的交易所上市有限责任公司创始人兼首席执行官彼得·戈尔茨坦签署协议成为东盟代表,以协助有潜能的企业迈向美国纳斯达克上市之路。