独角兽资本控股集团及大橙传媒超科技集团总裁陈学萩(Veronica Tang,小陈总)于2024年12月10日与全球知名的IPO专家Peter Goldstein一同前和马来西亚交易所(Bursa Malaysia)和位于TRX大楼的Affin Bank总部,展开了一场别开生面的商务交流之旅。
作为东盟地区规模最大的证券交易市场之一,马来西亚交易所成立于1976年,为企业与投资者提供了重要的平台。在交易所的欢迎下,Veronica Tang与Peter Goldstein受邀参观了其交易中心,并与企业高层就商业相关议题展开了深入讨论。
一位重量级嘉宾全程陪同两位企业家,分享了他对市场趋势、创新发展的深刻见解。随后,三人一同前往马交所的知识中心(Knowledge Centre)。
Peter Goldstein看好马来西亚强大经济潜力和资本资源
在结束对马来西亚交易所的访问后,Veronica Tang与Peter Goldstein便前往位于吉隆坡标志性建筑TRX大楼的Affin Bank总部,受到了高级经理Looi Sze Yan与行政主管Ravikumar Maniam的热情接待。
Affin Bank作为马来西亚一家拥有130家分支机构的金融巨头,也是Affin Islamic Bank Berhad等多家子公司的母公司,为两位贵宾安排了总部参观活动。尽管访问时间有限,但Affin Bank通过详细展示其业务实践、企业文化以及对员工的福利支持,让来访者对其高效的工作伦理和强大的企业影响力有了深刻的了解。
这次访问不仅是对马来西亚交易所与Affin Bank的近距离探索,更为未来合作提供了重要契机。Veronica Tang表示:“作为独角兽资本控股集团及大橙传媒超科技集团总裁,我一直致力于寻找新的增长点和合作伙伴。此次参观加深了我对马来西亚资本市场与银行业的认知,同时也为未来的商业战略提供了启发。”
Peter Goldstein也对两家机构的运营效率和创新能力表示赞赏,他说道:“马来西亚拥有强大的经济潜力和资本资源,我相信这片市场将为全球企业家带来前所未有的机遇。”
Title: Bursa Malaysia/ Affin Bank Visit with Peter Goldstein
Date: 10/12/2024
Time: 8:45 AM – 12:30 PM
Veronica Tang (Ms. Veronica Chen), CEO of BigOrange Media Group and HFU Capital Group Berhad, together with world-renowned IPO expert Peter Goldstein, embarked on a remarkable business exchange journey to Bursa Malaysia and the headquarters of Affin Bank at TRX Tower on December 10, 2024.
KUALA LUMPUR: On the 10th of December 2024, Miss Veronica Tang, CEO of BigOrange Media Group and HFU Capital Group Berhad alongside Peter Goldstein, a British businessman, as well as co-founder of Superdrug pays a visit to Bursa Malaysia and Affin Bank Menara TRX.
Bursa Malaysia, an exchange holding company founded in 1976 and one of the largest stock market in all of ASEAN welcomes Miss Veronica Tang as well as Peter Goldstein into their stock exchange center for a tour and overview of business-related topics.
( – ), accompanies the two individuals while also conversing and sharing his insights in various topics. This was followed by the three individuals traversing through the stock exchange centre and into Bursa Malaysia Knowledge Centre.
Within the centre, they were met with a plethora of books, articles, magazines and newspapers with a great majority of the reading material involving business-related knowledge as well as business and marketing strategies, meant to help one improve their company.
Following the short visitation of Bursa Malaysia and the Knowledge Centre, the two individuals then stop by Affin Bank Menara TRX, where Miss Veronica Tang and Peter Goldstein is met with Looi Sze Yan, the Senior Manager and Ravikumar Maniam, the Admin Executive of Affin Bank.
Affin Bank, an enormous company with an astonishing network of 130 branches in Malaysia as well as a financial holding entity of Affin Islamic Bank Berhad and numerous others brings them to take a tour of their building.
Though the visit was kept short due to numerous appointments in line for the busy individuals, the tour of the establishment granted incredible understanding and comprehensions of how their business practices work ethics, also tapping into benefits provided to their working employees.